The WowJournal

Like Father (Schweppes)

As a child, the drinks we took then were more on the sweeter side of life and quite rich with flavour and the mere taste of Zesty drinks would be a major turn off and this is probably aligned with the taste buds not being fully mature enough for the taste.

So, Schweppes run an ad campaign dubbed like a father that was showing the close association of coming of age to take the same kind of drinks the Dad takes and associating with a more like-minded and sharing in the enjoyment.

Like Father - Schweppes -2

Well, conclusively for me, what I see Schweppes highlighting with this ad, is, that you become more acceptable to your dad as mature like him, when drink and wear the same and through Schweppes, you get access to exclusivity.

See Also

  1. Roofings at 25 Years
  2. Sometimes Electric. Always BMW
  3. Seeing is Believing – AIB Mortgage


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